Saturday, March 1, 2008

New SS08 Layout

Hey people, it's that time of the year again for a new layout! BG and I were totally panicking about making a new banner. On one hand, as those of you who have read our blog long enough would know, we always try to update the S/S banner on March 1st. On the other hand, we have been more uninspired than usual about this S/S season, (perhaps because the F/W08 fashion shows are currently showing) and it's the end of the school term ( i.e. lots and lots of work!) The nerdy side of my brain has convinced me that this layout is our optimal layout: the MC of personal time spent photoshopping= MB of this blog. For those who don't do econ, we mean that this is the best we could have done given our circumstances.

Let's admit it, this season is confusing -too many trends; too many 'in' colours; together with a lot of loud accessories. With prints, there are the sort-of-tacky-looking stars and the spring-friendly flowers. As you can see, we favoured the flower prints. But the trend of black, white and grey is still very 'in', (think black skinny jeans + tee + blazer combo.) OK, so this isn't really the reason why we have half the flower picture in black & white and half in colour. We just think it's cool. Plus, we love how the Balenciaga model seems to pop out on the b&w side and the Prada model looks like an edgy fairy stomping around in a garden. But it all works out in the end! Neat huh?

This oh-so-artistically taken flower photo was shot by me at the LA Getty Center Central Garden last summer. If you haven't been there, then you must next time you're in LA. It's such a gorgeously designed garden. There are so many types of flowers there and they're designed in a really organised, pretty way. I'm not the type to enjoy nature, but this is as one of the few gardens that I actually loved. (Yes, I know, I'm such a city bumpkin that I even consider an immaculately-designed garden to be nature.)

Credit to for the runway model photos. As usual, if something is technically wrong with this layout on your browser, please let us know. We hope you like the layout and get some S/S vibes from it!

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